Going Down the Tapestry Road
My plans for 2023 include learning a new art form known as Tapestry. I took a tapestry class from Idaho Tapestry weaver Sarah Swett probably 20 years ago and I loved doing it. I didn't manage to do it again consistently. There were some starts and stops but I have always been interested in the medium. Below is the tapestry I wove in the class.
This past year I started working on tapestry again. I bought a small Hokett loom a couple of years ago. I had almost a tapestry done but then I wasn't happy with it so I unwove it and started over. This tapestry below was to reacquaint me with the medium. I tried out different things, mainly just playing with color and technique.
A next tapestry is a result form having taken the course The Summer of Tapestry with Rebecca Mezoff. This is a memory from my time in Shetland. It's a scene I saw in Bressay and took a photo of. It was so fun to recreate a special moment in time.
I am participating in The Tapestry Discovery Box, a joint venture between Gist yarns and Rebecca Mezoff. The yarn I used is Array from the Gist yarns. This next one is a sample trying out weft bundling. This is a technique where you mix strands of color together. I was trying out different color combinations and seeing which ones I liked for the project in the class.
I am pretty proud of this gismo I made today. The original idea came from Tapestry artist Tommye Scanlin in an article on the Gist Yarns' blog. She had a bigger box, but this is what I had to work with. I cut dowels 9" long and connected them to the container with hair ties. Since the tubes are not as long as the dowel I needed to find a way to secure them. These plastic clips were a perfect solution. I wish the container was big enough to hold all the yarns from the Tapestry Discovery box. There are 2 more colors. Until I can find a bigger container this will have to do. This works great for grabbing the yarns I need.